Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Please stand firm, hold the handrail

A friend, who remains a good friend despite his apparent insistence on delivering painful observations, once told me over a pint that I was someone who always seemed to have loads in the pipeline, but nothing ever came to fruition. A breezy way of telling me I was full of it. It came at a time when I was trying to get out of retail and into journalism, and I assume I was telling him about a couple of opportunities that had frustratingly fizzled into nothing. Shortly after our exchange, I got my foot in the door and never looked back. I came good, I guess.

Now, sitting on a news desk in Beijing while unfamiliar characters scroll on the screens around me and contemplating the potentially staggering thought that perhaps I've been using the squat toilets the wrong way round for three months, I'm wondering if his appraisal of me was right.

I thought that by now I would have learnt enough Chinese to get by. I thought I'd be painting and sketching more, possibly doing some exercise, writing regularly. Well fine, none of us ever thought I'd do any exercise, but in general, I might not be the kind of person I thought I was - or the person I told everyone I would be. You know the one, the person who does constructive things in her spare time. The person who learns a new language. The person who dumps everything to switch countries and has a total blast, man. Oh lord, I best just say it: I THINK I'VE FAILED AT MOVING TO CHINA.